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How to Add Sub-Users to Your Billing Account Print

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Adding sub-users, or Contacts, to your billing account allows you to share account access with others, such as friends, family members, or team members. This enables them to help with tasks like managing payments, submitting support requests, and more.

Follow these steps to add a sub-user to your account:

  1. Log in to Your Billing System: Start by logging into your billing account.
  2. Access User Management: In the top right corner, you’ll find "Hello {First Name}!" displayed. Click on it, then select the “User Management” option.
  3. Invite a New User: Scroll down to the "Invite New User" section. Enter the email address of the person you want to add and select the permissions you'd like to grant them—either all permissions or specific ones tailored to account management tasks.
  4. Send the Invite: After setting the permissions and completing the information, click "Send Invite" to send them an invitation.

If you need further assistance, feel free to open a support ticket, and our team will be glad to help you out.


Looking to give someone access to manage your game servers?
Check out our guide: How to give someone access to manage your game server?

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